NOTE: The People’s Academy is on summer break until September 2024. Visit our course and seminar archives!

Self Defense and the Right of Resistance in Palestine: Marjorie Cohn, Course 1A

Marjorie Cohn, Founding Dean of the People’s Academy, delivered the following presentation on November 3, 2023, during Course 1A of the Academy. Watch the full video of the presentation and the entire course here: Course 1A of the People’s Academy: The UN Charter, its genesis, essential principles and relevance today Download this presentation as a […]

Declaration of Conscience and Concern of Global Intellectuals on Gaza Genocide   

Marjorie Cohn, Founding Dean of the People’s Academy of International Law, is one of the initiating signatories of the statement below: Türkçe / Chinese / Français / Arabic / Hebrew / Indonesia / English Add your support at On November 30, the Government of Israel resumed the genocidal onslaught it inflicted on Palestinians in Gaza after a much overdue but brief “humanitarian pause.” In doing so, […]