NOTE: The People’s Academy is on summer break until September 2024. Visit our course and seminar archives!

People's Academy Task Force

People's Academy Task Force

Jeanne Mirer

Task Force Member

Jeanne Mirer is currently President of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, a founding Board Member of the International Commission for Labor Rights and co-chair of the National Lawyers Guild's International Committee.

Gail Davidson

Task Force Member

Gail Davidson is the founder of Lawyers Rights Watch Canada. For the past 20 years, she has worked to promote improved understanding and enforcement of international human rights law.

Maria LaHood

Task Force Member

Maria LaHood is Deputy Legal Director at the Center for Constitutional Rights, with expertise in constitutional rights and international human rights.

Jun Sasamoto

Task Force Member

Jun Sasamoto is the general secretary of COLAP, the Confederation of Lawyers of Asia and the Pacific, and a Bureau Member of IADL, the International Association of Democratic Lawyers.

Martha Schmidt

Task Force Member

Martha Schmidt is a former labor and community organizer and college teacher who recently retired from active law practice and a founder of Healthcare is a Human Right-WA.

Charlotte Kates

Task Force Member and Academy Admin

Charlotte Kates is international coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and the coordinator of the National Lawyers Guild International Committee. She is the administrator of the People's Academy of International Law.