Course 1A

The UN Charter, its genesis, essential principles and relevance today

Course Description

This course has an anti-imperialist, people and earth-centered view of international law, designed to support practitioners and movements. Course materials and education will be in English, French, Spanish.

Course Content

  • History of the Charter, the role and respective positions of the allied powers, and the antifascist resistance, controversial issues of its drafting including the absence of a right of peoples to self-determination
  • Aims and principles – Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; UN definition of “rule of law”
  • Sovereign equality and non-intervention in domestic affairs
  • Prohibition of the Use of Force and exceptions, the possibility of restriction by Right to Peace
  • Multilateralism
  • Modes of conflict settlement between States


Jeanne Mirer

Jeanne Mirer

IADL President, International Human Rights Lawyer

Phyllis Bennis

Phyllis Bennis

Author, Activist, Political Analyst

Marjorie Cohn

Marjorie Cohn

Dean of People's Academy, legal professor and academic

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Protection of Human Rights in the Inter-American, African and European Systems