Course 4B of the People's Academy - The Criminalization of Rights and Human Rights Defenders as a Means of Repression
Course 4B: The Criminalization of Rights and Human Rights Defenders as a Means of Repression - June 6
The criminalization of dissent, freedom of expression, and human rights advocacy is increasingly used in every region of the world as an effective tool of repression. States routinely criminalize advocacy and rights ostensibly to contain manufactured or real threats from ever widening sources that include possible false flag operations and acts captured by an expanded definition of discrimination and terrorism that includes protesting genocide. In violation of international human rights law, human rights defenders and those resisting war, as well as land and water exploitation, are subjected to unlawful harassment, surveillance, prosecution, disappearance, imprisonment and death. Corporations use SLAPP actions against groups and individuals seeking remedies through the courts. This course will examine the criminalization of human rights defenders as a means of restricting or extinguishing rights, with a particular focus on Ecuador, South Korea, Brazil and the U.S. It will explain how to use international human rights law and mechanisms to stop, prevent and remedy these abuses that threaten the enjoyment of human rights.
This course took place on Thursday, June 6 at 12 pm Eastern time (9 am Pacific, 4 pm UTC).
Faculty for Course 4B:
Galo Chiriboga Zambrano, Attorney General of Ecuador during the Correa administration (2007-2017)
Natali Segovia, Quechua, Executive Director and Senior Attorney, Water Protector Legal Collective and international human rights lawyer
Kyung-uk Jang, South Korean human rights lawyer who has defended numerous cases alleging violation of the National Security Act
Jeffrey Frank, Co-chair, International Committee of National Lawyers Guild; national coordinator of the Friends of the MST (Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement)
The program was moderated by Marjorie Cohn, Dean of the People’s Academy of International Law.
English language video
French language video
Spanish language video
Korean language video
Additional Resources
- Jeffrey Frank, The Criminalization and Repression of Peasant Movements in Brazil and the Resistance of the Landless Workers Movement (PowerPoint)
- MST Statistics, Organization and Principles: https://drive. CEcCUke7xol7pq1k1GEckFNA/view? usp=sharing - The Political Organization of the MST – Dossier by Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, April 2024 (English): https://drive. 1HUIRJ75zU1SFb75pEgow8dEIWZwtU 0Ek/view?usp=sharing - The Political Organization of the MST – Dossier by Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, April 2024 (Spanish): https://drive. 1i4nYvsOgpF6fvY_ nOp55pnvMaMDkavev/view?usp= sharing - The Political Organization of the MST – Dossier by Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, April 2024 (Portuguese): https://drive. 1Zw9hrudCIOpUdymz2tkc6KZNLUful mhj/view?usp=sharing - United Nations website with Declaration of the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (can download in various languages): https:// 1661560?v=pdf - International website for donations to aid the flood victims in Brazil: https:// 1661560?v=pdf - Natali Segovia, Unseen Lawfare: Struggles to Protect Protectors, Human Rights, and the Earth (PowerPoint)
- Water Protector Legal Collective, 2023 UN Shadow Report to the ICCPR
- Feb, 2, 2024 report by Permanent Forum to ECOSOC, E/C.19/2024/6, “Criminalization of Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights”
- Galo Chiriboga Zambrano, Resumen ejecutivo caso Freddy Carrión
- Resumen ejecutivo caso Freddy Carrión – Anexo 1
- Galo Chiriboga Zambrano, Lawfare contra defensores de derechos humanos: El caso del defensor del pueblo del Ecuador (PowerPoint)
- Kyung-uk Jang, National Security Law: An Evil Law Above the Constitution (PowerPoint)
- National Security Act:
- Keun-Tae Kim (represented by Mr. Yong Whan Cho, Duksu Law Offices, in Seoul) v. Republic of Korea, Communication No 574/1994 CCPR/C/64/D/574/1994 (4 January 1999)
- Mr. Jeong-Eun Lee v. Republic of Korea, Communication No. 1119/2002, U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/84/D/1119/2002 (2005)
- Tae Hoon Park (represented by Mr. Yong-Whan Cho of Duksu Law Offices in Seoul) v. Republic of Korea, Communication No. 628/1995, U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/64/D/628/1995 (3 November 1998).
- Hak—Chul Shin v. Republic of Korea, Communication No. 926/2000, U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/80/D/926/2000 (2004).