Course 5B

Individual and Collective Human Rights and Challenges to their Realization

Course Description

This course will enhance knowledge of international individual and collective human rights as developed through the United Nations system, examine the absence of effective remedies to redress and prevent violations of rights, and discuss practices used by litigators and legal activists to engage with the existing system and open up new possibilities for realization of rights. We will cover individual civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights guaranteed by core UN human rights treaties, such as the right to be free from discrimination. Collective rights, essential to survival and meaningful realization of individual rights, to peace, to self-determination, to development and to a healthy environment, will be addressed, along with the interdependence of individual and collective rights. Faculty will explain the duties of states to respect, protect and fulfill human rights and remedy violations and specific problems of enforcement of rights. Particular attention will be given to state suppression of expressive rights and the rights of association and assembly, protecting the rights of refugees and asylum seekers under international law, and the extra-territorial use of domestic law in contravention of international law. We’ll discuss what rights can never be derogated, the duties of states erga omnes and universal jurisdiction. There will be an opportunity for discussion of needed changes to strengthen and ensure the implementation and enforcement of all human rights.

Course Content

  • Differences between individual and collective rights
  • Duties of states to respect, protect and fulfill human rights
  • Perspectives of various international law organizations regarding the realization of those rights
  • Remedies for violations of those rights
  • Inefficiencies of international law in need of reform or improvement


Chief Charles Taku

Chief Charles Taku

Former President of the ICC Bar Association & Lead Counsel for the ICTR

Roberto Zamora

Roberto Zamora

international human rights lawyer

Martha Schmidt

Martha Schmidt

Activist and Educator on Human Rights and the Rights of Ecosystems

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Protection of Human Rights in the Inter-American, African and European Systems