NOTE: The People’s Academy is on summer break until September 2024. Visit our course and seminar archives!

Courses of the People's Academy

People's Academy of International Law Courses and Seminars

The Charter, its genesis, essential principles and relevance today

      • Course 1A Recording: Course 1A of the People’s Academy: The UN Charter, its genesis, essential principles and relevance today
      • History of the Charter, the role and respective positions of the allied powers, and the antifascist resistance, controversial issues of its drafting including the absence of a right of peoples to self-determination
      • Aims and principles – Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; UN definition of “rule of law”
      • Sovereign equality and non-intervention in domestic affairs
      • Prohibition of the Use of Force and exceptions, the possibility of restriction by Right to Peace
      • Multilateralism
      • Modes of conflict settlement between States

Course 1B: The UN charter: Global conflict resolution, Legal challenges to war, Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL) Critiques.

Course 2A: The United Nations, the World Court, and Compliance with International Law 

      • Course 2A Recording: The United Nations, the World Court, and Compliance with International Law
      •  Organs
        • General Assembly (GA) and committees
        • Security Council (SC)
        • Secretary General
        • International Court of Justice (World Court, or ICJ)
        • Economic and Social Council
        • Trusteeship Council
      • Legal Status of SC and GA resolutions, nature of the veto (including the position
        of the ICJ regarding abstention)

Course 2B: UN Organs, Their Respective Roles and Competencies & Supporting People’s Struggles

Course 3A: Key UN Agencies: UNHRC, UNRWA and UNESCO

Course 3B: Monitoring and Implementation of Treaties to Defend People’s Rights

Course 4A: The Criminalization of Rights and Human Rights Defenders as a Means of Repression

Course 4B: The Criminalization of Rights and Human Rights Defenders as a Means of Repression

Human Rights and Peoples’ Rights

      • Sources of International Law (Article 38 ICJ Statute)
      • UN instruments
      • Regional instruments
      • Collective rights as source of individual rights
      • Right to development – why has it never become a legal right?
      • Right to water and food, right to be protected from famine
      • Right to a clean and healthy environment
      • Labour rights and the role of the ILO since 1919, as a result of the Russian Revolution
      • Protection of human rights by national and international jurisdictions (court decisions on right to peace – Japan, South Korea, Costa Rica)

Regional Systems (Inter-American, European, African)

International Law of Armed Conflict (“International Humanitarian Law”) and Refugee Law

      • The Geneva Conventions, its Protocols and other instruments, Ad Hoc Tribunals, International Criminal Court
      • Law of Refugees
      • Relationship between International Law of Armed Conflict (ILAC), International Human Rights Law (IHRL) and Domestic Law: The Example of Terrorism
      • Liberation and resistance movements and ILAC

International Crimes, Repression, and the fight against Impunity

      • Constituent elements of international crimes
      • The Nuremberg Charter and its critics
      • International Jurisdiction, Special Criminal Tribunals, International Criminal Court (how advocates can use complaint procedure)
      • Universal Jurisdiction

Liberation and emancipation struggles and international law

      • The Right to Rebellion, Resistance, etc in the context of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination

The crisis of International Law and the crisis of the world capitalist system